Sunday, May 17, 2020

Synthesis of 7.7-Dichlorobicyclo [4.1.0]Heptane †Phase...

Abstract The preparation of 7.7-dichlorobicyclo [4.1.0]heptane which is also known as 7,7-dichloronorcarane was done by reacting cyclohexene , chloroform and a base( 50% aqueous sodium hydroxide) with benzyl triethylammonium chloride. The latter being a water soluble phase transfer catalyst (PTC).reaction was performed at room temperature and was distilled at atmospheric pressure. The mechanism of action of the above mentioned PTC is described in the text along with the mechanism for the addition of a dichlorocarbene. The percentage yield obtained was 38.80%. This is considerably low due to an unfortunate spillage of the product at the stage of semi- micro distillation. Introduction Phase transfer catalysts (PCT) are used to†¦show more content†¦The vigorous stirring also increases the turbulence in the reaction flask which facilitates collisions between the primary reactants. This is needed for the reaction to occur at an optimum rate. Hence, the rate constants of the reaction increase as stirring speed increases. If the reaction mixture was not stirred at high speeds, the reaction will not proceed to yield maximum product in the given time and will result in low percentage yields. It was during this stirring time that the action of the PTC is significant. The mechanism of action of the PTC is illustrated and explained below. The base used in this reaction is a strong one (NaOH) which dissociated completely in the aqueous phase to give an excess of OH ions which is needed for the generation of the dichlorocarbene in the organic phase. As seen above, benzyl triethylammonium chloride undergoes a nucleophillic substitution with NaOH. The hydroxyl group f rom the base displaces the chloride group on the PTC which results in the formation of a quaternary ammonium hydroxide. The PTC is now able to transport the OH ion to the organic phase where it can react with chloroform. The three step mechanism describing the formation of 7.7-dichlorobicyclo [4.1.0]heptane is illustrated and explained below. In step one, the hydroxyl group

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Role of the Relationship Between Therapist and Client...

THE ROLE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THERAPIST AND CLIENT IN COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY IN THE CONTEXT OF THERAPEUTIC TASKS CANDIDATE NUMBER: 12823707 22-11-2011 Essay submitted for the award of Foundation Degree in Psychodynamic Counselling and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Birkbeck College, University of London CONTENT PAGE Introduction Page 3 Appendix 1 Page 13 Appendix 2 Page 15 Appendix 3 Page 16 Appendix 4 Page 17 Appendix 5 Page 18 Introduction Within this case review I will explore the relationship between client and therapist by identifying the role it plays within the following; establishing the boundaries of my work; assessment/diagnosis; the development and process of the relationship, including my own self†¦show more content†¦However Robert was able to show insight into his depression by processing that this can also be triggered sporadically and sometimes without cause. Feared consequences and risk of suicide and/or intention Robert fears that his current partner will end their relationship and abandon him, taking his other two children with her. Robert stated that he has attempted to take his own life and sporadically has thought of death, dying or suicide, however states that he has not attempted suicide in the last 6 years. It was acknowledged that Robert has deliberately cut /caused himself physical harm Impact on quality of life Robert acknowledged that when he is depressed and anxious it has a detrimental effect on his family, e.g. his family worry as they recognise that Robert will drink heavily and become violent when depressed. Coping strategies and support network Robert identified his coping strategies to be; Self talk; Ground techniques / Distraction Techniques (reading, talking to his sponsor, listening to music). Robert recognises that he has a supportive network which consists of his sponsor, non using friends, and his mother who is a mental health worker. It was acknowledged however that Robert struggles to utilise these support networks when he is in a low mood. Birth and upbringing and family Robert is the youngest of three siblings. He processed that he has a close relationship with his mother, howeverShow MoreRelatedmodels and approaches relate to client need, therapeutic context and aims and objectives of the therapy.1106 Words   |  5 Pagescounselling and psychotherapy therapeutic delivery, explain how models and approaches relate to client need, therapeutic context and aims and objectives of the therapy. 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Australia Should Raise The Rate Of GST †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Australia Should Raise The Rate Of GST? Answer: Introduction Australia is one of the prominent taxing countries around the world. The Australian Taxation system comprises of around 125 taxes and is considered as one of the most convolutedglobally. It has adopted a dynamic taxation system which is a combination of direct and indirect taxes imposed by the Federal and State governments. The Australian Constitution entitles The Commonwealth to enforce duty and to formulate laws related to the same. It has the exclusive power to impose most important taxes like custom and excise tax, income tax and sales tax. However, in Australia, income tax is the most important base of revenue for Federal government. It is a direct tax which is imposed on individuals. As Australias taxation system is continuously growing, progressive tax rates and subsidiary rates are the basis on which income tax is paid by the individuals i.e. higher the income, higher the rate of the tax. It is also levied on individuals having a part in any trust or partnership. On the other hand, the federal government announced goods and service tax (GST) on July 2000. It brought considerable changes by plummeting individual income taxes and benefitting pensioners and low income group with huge rise in government payments. The said tax is analogous to value added tax. It is levied not only on the trade (sale) of the majority of commodities and services in Australia but also on most of the products imported in the country[1]. The Current rate of GST applied in Australia is 10 %. However, certain supplies and services like food, education, health and monetary services are exempted from the said tax. It is mandatory for companies with yearly revenue of a certain sum to enlist for GST. Income generated from the main taxes by the Commonwealth significantly surpasses its disbursements. Hence, it largely supports the states monetarily. Since income tax levied on individuals and company is the major source of revenue for Australia, it depends majorly on them than on consumption taxes. Although consumption taxes like GST are more cost effective as compared to any other tax. It has been proven that income taxes can alter countrys proficient viable activity which will in turn hamper its capacity to strive globally[2]. Australias budget deficit is forecasted to be worse in future. It is estimated that by the year 2030, The Federal government and States together will face yearly budget deficit of around $45 billion of which $35 billion will be because of expenditure on health[3]. Globally, many countries like New Zealand are reforming their tax structure by increasing consumption taxes to subsidize individual and organization taxes . In Australia, New South Wales Premier Mike Baird also suggested a rise in GST from 10 to 15% along with current exception on food, health, education and childcare and reimbursement to househ olds with collective income less than $100,000. The revenue generated from the same will fulfill Australias prospective health requirements. Currently, states are distressed and require funds badly as they are dominated by the federal government financially. So there is a serious need of tax reform in the country. There has been a continuous debate over the issue of altering the tax structure i.e. to increase the rate of GST so as to lower personal income tax rates. Arguments In Support Of The Issue Goods and services tax (GST) is considered as one of the most efficient and minimal detrimental tax of all taxes. It will be favorable to increase the rate of GST as it is imposed on supplies and services and it is impossible for individuals to stop using them because of the tax. GST is an indirect tax which is imposed circuitously through manufacturer and merchandiser. Hence, mostly the customers are not aware of the said tax. Also a rise in the rate of GST will be easier and cost effective than imposing on product and services which are exempted from it like health, education, food and financial services. Hence, if efficiency is the criteria, it will be constructive for the economy of Australia to increase the rate of GST and lowering the personal income taxes. Positive impact on individual personal assets is another outcome anticipated of the said exchange of the taxes. Also, GST is more productive as it is the only flat rate of tax. Not only will the rise in GST will reduce income tax but according to CPA Australia extra revenue generated from GST can also offer reimbursement to less earnings households and can be used to remove lot of unproductive state taxes like stamp duties. A net profit of 50 cents per dollar of tax income is expected if the stamp duties are substituted by higher GST[4]. Also from government point of view, the said change would be beneficial as it would result in more revenue for the government as the customers are bound to pay such tax unlike income tax which is taxed on individual, business and investment income. Hence, by lowering the income tax, consumers will save his income and the government can raise its revenue by increasing the tax to be applied on the commodities and services. The said change will also hav e a positive impact on the standard of living. Although the impact will be lesser but will be considerable. It will also decrease the duty load on asset earnings as the capital income will be taxed at a lower rate. With the above changes in the tax structure the states can reduce their dependability on The Commonwealth by growing their own self-source income. Lastly, with the said change there will be a rise in motility of funds globally[5]. However, one more argument has arisen that GST should be imposed on all items without any exclusion. According to CPA Australia, it has been estimated that by the year 2029/30, Australian wealth will be $27.5 billion larger if 15% GST is imposed without any exemption[6]. Arguments Against The Issue Currently, there are a lot of arguments against the issue. Firstly, it is argued that although GST is cost effective and easier to manage but increase in GST rates will have a negative impact if we take into consideration fairness criteria. All the customers are required to pay GST irrespective of their purchasing power and equal sum has to be paid for a specified commodity or service. Hence, GST is regarded as a regressive tax[7]. It is also predicted that since GST is applied on fresh houses, it could increase the complexity in home affordability. Decrease in employment is another major issue against the said change. Clearly, increase in GST largely affects fewer income group more than high income group. Hence, they will not be motivated to work which will result in decreased employment especially amongst females who are already facing significant restraints related to work. Although compensation will be granted but presently government does not have required monetary ability to do so. Also with an increase in GST and no subsequent reduction in income tax would make low income group more vulnerable as they will be spending more and earning less. Moreover, if compensation is granted for such an increase, it will not meet the purpose for which the said change was proposed which was to meet the future health and public safety needs. With regards to equality, raise in GST will be discriminatory for low income group as huge percentage of their proceeds are spent on basic needs. Moreover, income tax is levied on both income and investments which normally high income group possess. Hence, cutting income tax would be more approving for them than for the lower income class. Thus, increasing inequalities and will prove to be iniquitous for people in the economy which in turn will result in low labor output and productivity and will adversely affect countrys economic growth. Conclusion At the end, we conclude that there are many arguments in favor and against the issue. Clearly, Australia requires alteration in the tax structure to improve its economic growth and to meet its prospective needs. However, increasing the GST and reducing personal income tax will prove beneficial in terms of efficiency. This said change will also help the government in increasing its revenue. But at the same time it will create inequality and unfairness amongst diverse income group in society if there is rise in GST and no reduction in personal income tax. References Hall and Wilcox, A Guide to Taxation in Australia, 25 June 2015, Mallesons King and Wood, Rethinking Australias Taxation System, 31 July 2015, Chang Charis and AAP, Who are the winners and losers if GST is increased, 22 July 2015, Freebairn John, How increasing the GST could boost our standard of living, 31 March 2015, Irvine Jessica, Australian GST reform debate heats up, 01 December 2016, Janda Michael, GST increase to 15 per cent would leave nation$27.5 billion better off: CPA, 18 February 2015, Piccolo Raffaele, The GST: Is an efficient tax a fair tax? , 22 April 2014,,6407 [1] Hall and Wilcox, A Guide to Taxation in Australia, 25 June 2015, [2] Mallesons King and Wood, Rethinking Australias Taxation System, 31 July 2015, [3] Charis Chang and AAP, Who are the winners and losers if GST is increased, 22 July 2015, [4] John Freebairn, How increasing the GST could boost our standard of living, 31 March 2015, [5] Jessica Irvine, Australian GST reform debate heats up, 01 December 2016, [6] Michael Janda, GST increase to 15 per cent would leave nation$27.5 billion better off: CPA, 18 February 2015, [7] Raffaele Piccolo, The GST: Is an efficient tax a fair tax? , 22 April 2014,,6407